-9lbs and counting 


I am down 9lbs in 2 weeks woohoo now 21lbs to go #cleaneating #exercise #goodlifefitness #walking and most importantly huge support from my hubby http://recipes.jalmotion.com/.

The Deeper Cleanse – Day Three

Day three of the cleanse is off to a good start no headaches, I am not hungry and can even stand the smell of coffee and food.  I am going for yoga later. According to Belmonte Raw It is important to take some time to yourself and connect with your inner self during a cleanse, easier said than done when all you can think about is food LOL. Activities recommended by Belmonte Raw are: go to the sauna; have a colonic cleanse (hmmm not sure about the colonic but I think that’s my next challenge); dry brush your skin; have a vitamin drip (who knew that one could get a vitamin drip) do yoga and meditate.

Today I am craving a hot bowl of soup like my hubby’s Mexican Lime Tortilla Soup check out his blog for the recipe.

The Deeper Cleanse – Day Two

Tuesday April 21, 2015

Woke up feeling good with a dull headache but it’s a good sign the cleanse is working. I Drank a large glass of lemon water kind of gross because you have to do this before brushing your teeth. On my way to work I was crossing my fingers that no one was eating their breakfast or enjoying their morning coffee because chances are I would have pounced on them LOL. The last time I ate a cooked meal was Sunday April 19 need I say more. The hunger pains are not so bad anymore and the anger has subsided, I can feel a mild headache but I just realized that this is a raw cleanse which means I can eat anything raw that is salads and fruit but can’t overdo it. But let me tell you there is nothing I want more right now like a bacon cheese burger. 

The Deeper Cleanse – Day One

Monday April 20, 2015

I chose the “The Deeper” a five day cleanse by Belmonte Raw. The Deeper is a juice cleanse that means no cooked food for the next five days it consists of six 500ml bottles of different juices all from organic vegetables and fruit.

Day one has not been easy I am famished. The headache has set in, a detox symptom so yey its working, I am really hungry but I am determined to make this work. I peed probably +12 times today and I am feeling angry for no reason. I guess the saying “a hungry man is an angry man” is true LOL. I Have to go to bed now before I eat something.